Contact Us

Telephone: 01372 275265  

This number is available between 8.15am-1pm, 2pm-5.30pm if you are unable to speak with someone and get the answerphone, please keep trying to get through, PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE. Our busiest times are between 8.15am and 11.30 am, especially on Monday morning, so please try at alternative times. 

We are experiencing a huge volume of calls as people try to access oyur services, please keep trying if you wish to speak to us, alternatively, you are able to email us and we will reply as soon as possible. 

We are closed for lunch between 1pm - 2pm. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE MESSAGES ON OUR ANSWERPHONE.

For all  enquiries including bookings, please speak with a team member. 

Email address: OR

If you have any general queries or need help, please email us. We monitor this email regularly, including at weekends. 

If you wish to book an appointment, please call the landline  rather than emailing us, we are happy to help you to book quickly and efficiently. At this time we are unable to book  appointments via email. 

Address: Arch Dental Surgery, 25 Ottways Lane, Ashtead, KT21 2PL

The exterior of the surgery

Parking is available at the front of the surgery.  Please ensure you park in our car park or on the road, DO NOT park in the private road alongside the surgery as this a private road and it upsets our neighbours. 
